
A MAPK module, of which MPK6 kinase is an important component, is involved in the coordination of the responses to Pi and Fe in the primary root meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana. Phosphate (Pi) deficiency induces determinate primary root growth in Arabidopsis through cessation of cell division in the meristem, which is linked to an increased iron (Fe) accumulation. Here, we show that Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase6 (MPK6) has a role in Arabidopsis primary root growth under low Pi stress. MPK6 activity is induced in roots in response to low Pi, and such induction is enhanced by Fe supplementation, suggesting an MPK6 role in coordinating Pi/Fe balance in mediating root growth. The differentiation of the root meristem induced by low Pi levels correlates with altered expression of auxin-inducible genes and auxin transporter levels via MPK6. Our results indicate a critical role of the MPK6 kinase in coordinating meristem cell activity to Pi and Fe availability for proper primary root growth.

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