
Mitochondria play an essential role in cancer treatment by providing apoptotic signals. Hexyl aminolevulinate, an FDA-approved diagnosis for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, induces the production of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) preferentially by mitochondria in cancer cells. Photosensitizer PpIX upon illumination can release active chemotherapy drugs from singlet oxygen-activatable prodrugs. Prodrugs placed close enough to PpIX formed in mitochondria can improve the antitumor efficiency of PpIX-PDT. The preferred uptake of prodrugs by cancer cells and tumors can further enhance the selective damage of cancer cells over non-cancer cells and surrounding normal tissues. Mitochondriotropic prodrugs of anticancer drugs, such as paclitaxel and SN-38, were synthesized using rhodamine, a mitochondrial-targeting moiety. Invitro, the mitochondrial targeting helped achieve preferential cellular uptake in cancer cells. In RT112 cells (human bladder cancer cells), intracellular prodrug concentrations were 2-3 times higher than the intracellular prodrug concentrations in BdEC cells (human bladder epithelial cells), after 2 h incubation. In an orthotopic rat bladder tumor model, mitochondria-targeted prodrugs achieved as much as 34 times higher prodrug diffusion in the tumor area compared to the nontumor bladder area. Overall, mitochondria targeting made prodrugs more effective in targeting cancer cells and tumors over non-tumor areas, thereby reducing nonspecific toxicity.

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