
Natural transfer of mitochondrial DNA has occurred between three western Palaearctic waterfrog taxa: Pelophylax lessonae, Pelophylax ridibundus and their hybridogenetic hybrid, Pelophylax kl. esculentus. The transfer is asymmetric with most P. kl. esculentus and approximately one third of all central European P. ridibundus having mtDNA derived from P. lessonae (L-mtDNA). We obtained complete nucleotide sequences of multiple mitochondrial genomes (15,376–78 bp without control regions) from all 3 taxa, including a P. ridibundus frog with introgressed L-mtDNA. The gene content and organization of the mitogenomes correspond to those typical of neobatrachians. Divergence between the mtDNAs of P. lessonae and P. ridibundus is high with an uncorrected p-distance of 11.9% across the entire mitogenome. However, the rate of nucleotide substitution depends on the degree of functional constraint with up to 30-fold differences in levels of divergence. In general, mitochondrial genes encoding the translational machinery evolve very slowly, whereas genes encoding polypeptides of the electron transport system, especially the ND genes, evolve rapidly. Only 25 of 211–213 observed amino acid replacements could be classified as radical and are therefore more likely to be exposed to selection. A disproportionately high number of amino acid substitutions has occurred in the ND4, ND4L and cytb genes of the P. lessonae lineage (including 36% of all radical changes). In contrast to the interspecific divergence, nucleotide polymorphism within L- and R-mtDNA is very low: L-mtDNA haplotypes differed on average by only 19 nucleotides, while there was no variation within two mtDNAs derived from P. ridibundus. This is an expected finding considering that we have sampled a post-glacial expansion area. Moreover, the introgressed L-mtDNA on a P. ridibundus background differed from other L-mtDNAs by only a few substitutions, indicative of a very recent introgression event. We discuss our findings in the context of natural selection acting on L-mtDNA and its potential significance in cytonuclear epistasis.

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