
Many different pathogenic mutations in the mitochondrial (mt) transfer RNA (tRNA) genes have been reported for patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. Although some of them are recurrent, most have only been described once and appear to be restricted to one patient or to one family. The incidence of mt tRNA gene alterations is not known, even though the frequency of some recurrent mutations has been analysed both in patients and in the general population. In this study, we describe the results of stepwise screening for sequence variations in the mt tRNA genes of 166 patients selected according to several criteria. Extensive sequence analysis of the tRNA genes was performed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. A total of 31 patients (19%) were found to harbour significant levels of a pathogenic mutation, thus confirming the importance of mt tRNA mutations in human pathology. Forty-three different sequence variations were found, illustrating the great diversity of the mtDNA sequence in humans. The functional assessment of all these sequence variations represented a difficult task; it was mostly based on indirect data, such as the phylogenetic conservation of modified nucleotides and the proportions of variant species in different tissues of the index case or in blood of maternal relatives. Direct demonstration of a correlation between the proportion of heteroplasmic sequence variations and the cytochrome c oxidase defect was performed at the single muscle-fibre level. Eleven heteroplasmic sequence variations were found, six of which are new mutations. One is a known Caucasian polymorphism but the other 10 are pathogenic. Two of them are the well-known pathogenic MELAS (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes) (A3243G) and MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibres) (A8344G) point mutations. They were found in 23 patients. The eight other mutations were restricted to one patient. The pathogenic nature of these mutations was demonstrated directly for five of them and hypothesized from indirect arguments for the other three. Thirty-two homoplasmic sequence variations were found. Twenty-nine were considered to be polymorphisms, even though 15 of these were found for the first time in our patients and two others had been reported previously as pathogenic. The pathogenic nature of three homoplasmic variants remains questionable.

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