
The extent of mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms among individual plant samples of perennial ryegrass was determined. A total of 72 plants from three cultivars Yorktown II, S23 and Riikka were surveyed using three restriction enzymes (BamHI,EcoRI andHindIII) and three mitochondrial gene probes (coxI, coxIII andnad9). Polymorphisms were noted within each of the two cultivars Yorktown II and S23, whereas in ‘Riikka’ no variation was detected. It seems most likely that the mitochondrial genome diversity within the same cultivar has resulted from non-homogeneous ancestor cytoplasms. The hybridization-based assay employed is simple to perform, gives unambiguous results, and may thus be used in mass screening of perennial ryegrass populations for breeding purpose.

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