
ABSTRACT In the past years of the electric market, very big corporation companies enjoyed domination or monopoly and takes complete responsibility for generating the electric power. In the new-age market electricity grid faces several techno-commercial challenges like power outage, conductor snag, equipment rundown, transmission congestion, financial constraint, price settlement issue, etc, so this cause transfer of generated electricity from generating station to load becomes a challenge. Also, transmission jamming or congestion is an issue that leads to catastrophe if not mitigated. Therefore to avoid such issues different techno-financial methods are adopted in a particular electricity zone with a large network. In this paper, we adopted an innovative technique to control the electricity transfer limit. Here an analytic tool based on the price-sensitive algorithm is developed to determine a suitable combination of Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) and Location-based low prices with curtailments in a competitive electricity market. The significant objective of this technique is to minimise the dispatch of low-cost generators and overall operational expenses thereby mitigating the traffic issue in a particular load node or zone. Finally, the transmission congestion mitigation is discussed with price sensitivity technique and with a proper financial mechanism like FTR with location pricing in a particular zone.

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