
Reducing measurement errors in multiqubit quantum devices is critical for performing any quantum algorithm. Here we show how to mitigate measurement errors by a classical postprocessing of the measured outcomes. Our techniques apply to any experiment where measurement outcomes are used for computing expected values of observables. Two error-mitigation schemes are presented based on tensor product and correlated Markovian noise models. Error rates parametrizing these noise models can be extracted from the measurement calibration data using a simple formula. Error mitigation is achieved by applying the inverse noise matrix to a probability vector that represents the outcomes of a noisy measurement. The error-mitigation overhead, including the number of measurements and the cost of the classical postprocessing, is exponential in $\ensuremath{\epsilon}n$, where $\ensuremath{\epsilon}$ is the maximum error rate and $n$ is the number of qubits. We report experimental demonstration of our error-mitigation methods on IBM Quantum devices using stabilizer measurements for graph states with $n\ensuremath{\le}12$ qubits and entangled 20-qubit states generated by low-depth random Clifford circuits.

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