
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has played strategic roles in mining industries in Indonesia over the last two decades. CSR contributes not only to improve basic physical infrastructures of local communities such as roads, bridges, health-center, schools and libraries but also to accommodate the needs of indigenous people in preserving and promoting their local art and culture. Some companies have been advancing their CSR roles to actively participate in mitigating the potential of trans-community conflict in their operation areas – a daunting task but worth executing -- to ensure a sustained both social and government license to operate. The paper is aimed at unraveling CSR contribution of PT Vale Indonesia in transforming multicultural communities in its operation and what roles the company played in mitigating social conflict on the ground. The study finds out that company CSR management, which has adopted transparent, accountable and participatory methodologies have effectively improved the quality of life of local communities. The study also reveals that applying participatory methodologies in CSR management is not only enhance community participation in project-based, but also increase their awareness in mitigating social conflict in multicultural communities.


  • Abstrak Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) telah memainkan peran strategis dalam industri pertambangan di Indonesia selama dua dekade terakhir

  • Bowen mendefinisikan CSR sebagai: “the obligation of businessman to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to follow those lines of action that are desirable in terms of objectives and values of our society.”[7]. Bowen secara implisit menegaskan bahwa CSR adalah kewajiban pengusaha untuk membuat kebijakan, keputusan atau tindakan yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat.[8]

  • “The Ages and Stages of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): From Defensive to Systematic Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.”

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Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan atau Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) telah menjadi kewajiban hukum di Indonesia sejak disahkannya Undang-Undang No 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Dari sinilah titik berangkat tuntutan komunitas global agar perusahaan yang mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam melaksanakan kewajiban CSR seiring dengan semakin kuatnya desakan untuk melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCC) yang merupakan prinsip fairness, transparency dan accountability.[5] Akan tetapi,. Tulisan ini akan menelusuri bagaimana model, pendekatan CSR yang dilakukan oleh PT Vale Indonesia yang sampai saat ini relatif berhasil menjaga hubungan baik dengan masyarakat di lingkar tambang sehingga izin sosial beroperasi (social license to operate) dapat diperoleh dan dipertahankan dengan baik. Alasan-alasan inilah yang membuat penulis ingin mendalami lebih jauh keunikan pelaksanaan CSR PT Vale yang sampai saat ini mampu mengamankan izin sosial beroperasi dari masyarakat di lingkar tambang

Tinjauan Pustaka
Evolusi konsep CSR
Model CSR
CSR dan Izin Sosial Beroperasi
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