
Patient-reported outcomes are increasingly used by clinical teams as indicators of quality when assessing treatment after a diagnosis of head and neck cancer. About a third of patients report reduced sexual interest or enjoyment after such treatment but, despite that, there is no questionnaire about intimacy that has been developed specifically for them. The aim of this study was to develop such a questionnaire, to gain an indication of the relative incidence of individual items, and to compare characteristics such as age, stage, treatment, time since treatment for an established head and neck cancer, and a health-related quality of life (QoL) measure (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30 with the Head and Neck 35 module). The development of the new instrument was based on an exploratory observational study that included quantitative and qualitative methods. The qualitative element was achieved by the generation of items - from published studies, the comments of patients and carers, and a cross-sectional survey of patients with head and neck cancer who were alive and free of disease. The quantitative element comprised analysis of exploratory and confirmatory factors, internal reliability assessment (Cronbach’s alpha), and a correlation analysis. Forty-two patients were included in the focus groups, and 101 patients participated in the cross-sectional survey (both male and female, in a relationship and single, age range 30–70 years for the focus group, and 62–117 in the cross-sectional survey). All treatments were included. We found that the ability to enjoy a sex life had been adversely affected in about half the sample and that this had significantly changed from before their cancer in a third. The qualitative part of the study resulted in 22 items that covered a range of domains from dry mouth and thick saliva to loss of sensation (lips, fingertips), restricted head/neck movement, fatigue, and pain. The exploratory analysis covered four domains (physical, sensation, movement, and communication) from 12 of 22 items. Cronbach’s alphas ranged from 0.62 to 0.84, and the correlation analysis indicated “good fit” statistics for these domains. In terms of the EORTC QoL Questionnnaire – Head and Neck 35, the four MHK domains showed good levels of association with anticipated domains. Head and neck cancer and its associated treatments significantly adversely affect intimacy and sexuality in half the population sampled. The MHK tool may be used to identify specific issues related to intimacy in patients with a history of diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer. Further work is essential to identify its precise role and to help develop specific interventions.

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