
Abstract A Paleozoic arc that formed by southward subduction of the Rheic oceanic plate beneath northern Gondwana has long been inferred, but its history and geochemical signatures remain poorly understood. New U-Pb ages, juvenile εHf signatures, and trace-element composition data of young zircons from tuffs at two southern Laurentia sites indicate their derivation from a continental arc that was active from ca. 328 to ca. 317 Ma and permit correlation of sedimentary sequences 800 km apart in southern Laurentia. These include the Stanley tuffs in the Ouachita Mountains of southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas and the newly discovered Barnett tuff in the subsurface of the Midland Basin in west Texas (USA). The Barnett tuff has a zircon chemical abrasion–isotope dilution–thermal ionization mass spectrometry U-Pb date of 327.8 ± 0.8 Ma, similar to the oldest Stanley tuff in the Ouachita Mountains. Zircon Hf isotope depleted mantle model ages further suggest that the source was a continental arc on basement with both Grenville and Pan-African affinities, pointing to northern Gondwana or peri-Gondwana terranes. The new data link the tuffs to granitoids (326 Ma) of the Maya block in southern Mexico, which was part of northern Gondwana. Correlation of the Stanley-Barnett tuffs across southern Laurentia suggests the likely presence of Mississippian tuffs over a broad region in southern Laurentia, and their usefulness for constraining absolute ages of basin fills and characterizing the Gondwanan arc.


  • The Stanley tuffs have sharp lower and sharp or gradational upper contacts with shale (Niem, 1977)

  • We modified the youngest statistical population (YSP) approach from Coutts et al (2019) which selects the negative tail of the youngest population of LA-ICPMS dates (>= 2) and calculates the weighted mean of their dates with a mean square weighted deviation (MSWD) near 1

  • The sample has only three grains < 330 Ma suggesting that the tuff contains detrital grains in the depositional system and possibly inherited grains from the magma source

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Zircon separation and morphology

Zircon grains were separated following standard procedures, including disc mill crushing, ultrasonic shaking to remove attached clays on grains, pan washing, magnetic separation and heavy liquid concentration. After the U-Pb analysis, Lu-Hf isotope compositions of selected zircon grains of the five tuffs were analyzed at the Washington State University using an Analyte G2 193nm excimer laser ablation system coupled with a Thermo-Finnigan Neptune multi-collector mass spectrometer. After the U-Pb and Lu-Hf analyses, seven zircons in the youngest group of the Barnett tuff were analyzed by chemical abrasion, isotope dilution, thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA-ID-TIMS) at the University of Wyoming. These grains were plucked from the epoxy mount after LA-ICP analysis and selected to test whether the range of dates from LA-ICP was robust or was an artifact of Pb loss and matrix mismatch.

Youngest mode weighted mean date
Zircon Rare Earth Element Analyses
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