
RPS19 has been identified as the first gene associated with Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), a rare congenital hypoplastic anemia that includes variable physical malformations. It is mutated in approximately 25% of the patients although doubts remain as to whether DBA clinical phenotype depends on the ribosomal function of RPS19 or on an extra-ribosomal role or on both. RPS19 mRNAs with mutations that introduce premature stop codons or eliminate it are rapidly turned over by the surveillance mechanisms possibly causing a decrease in the RPS19 protein level. A decrease in RPS19 level has been shown to cause a defect in the maturation of 18S ribosomal RNA. Less clear is the effect of missense mutations in RPS19. With the aim of analyzing the functional features of mutated RPS19, we prepared cDNA constructs expressing RPS19 containing 11 missense mutations and a trinucleotide insertion found in DBA patients. After transfection, we analyzed the following properties of the mutated proteins: (i) protein stability, (ii) subcellular localization and (iii) assembly into ribosomes. Our results indicate that some RPS19 mutations alter the capacity of the protein to localize in nucleolar structure and these mutated RPS19 are very unstable. Moreover, none of the mutated RPS19 analyzed in this study, including those proteins that appear localized into the nucleolus, is able to be assembled into mature ribosome.

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