
This paper presents an approach to a flexible model for building an indexing subsystem based on metadata: the MetaInformation Subsystem (MISS). The MISS model consists of a software architecture, a system architecture, and an information model. The software architecture relies on a model (based on four levels: database, storage & retrieval, functional core, and application) used for the development of applications for information systems to search in and populate a database. The system architecture consists of a Browsing Application and a Populating Application, both built on top of a Metadata Database via the proposed software architecture. The Browsing Application is in charge of managing the user's interaction with the subsystem (navigation, search, and retrieval), whereas the Populating Application provides a mechanism to insert metadata and data views into the MISS databases. Finally, the proposed information model (the Metadata Information Model—MIM) consists of the metadata content, its structure, and the representation model, being in connection with the MPEG-7 standardisation work and providing impact to this Forum. In order to validate it, MISS has been used in the implementation of the Browsing and Retrieval System of the HYPERMEDIA ACTS 361 Project “Continuous Audiovisual Market in Europe” (publicly demonstrated in several workshops and in Telecom Americas 2000), obtaining very good results in terms of functionality, flexibility and reliability.

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