
Abstract.The allegations related to the relocation of Armenians during the beginning of First World War, mainly built on the book titled Morgenthau's Story written by so-called Mr. Henry Morgenthau Sr. .Actually the book was written by the Pulitzer Prize winner of the era Mr. Burton J. Hendrick. He is the ghost writer of this doubtful book and received a very huge lump sum of money from Mr. Morgenthau for his very professional, devoted and rapacious services.The fact is that Ambassador Morgenthau officiated as an US Ambassador in Istanbul from late 1913 to early 1916 but never travelled eastwards on the overland. His book is totally based on hearings and makeup created by the two US Embassy employees. No information in this book is based on any official document released by any neighboring country to the Ottoman Empire or even the US Senate or Congress.When this book is checked against Mr. Morgenthau's Diary, it can be clearly observed by anybody that it includes made up rather than reflecting the true life memories.This paper, based on information excerpted from the non Turkish or non Ottoman formal documents and/or official releases, tries the bring into life what happened actually during this era.Keywords: Morgenthau, Armenian, Relocation, 1915, Deportation1 INTRODUCTIONThe allegations on the matters related to relocation of Armenians in the year 1915, mainly based on two books.One of these two books is titled Morgenthau's Story. It is said written by the USA Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Mr. Henry Morgenthau Sr., published in the year 1918 at New York by the publisher Doubleday, 407 pages.The other book is called in short Book, titled Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916 : Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Falloden by Viscount Bryce. It is written by the British Historian Arnold J. Toynbee and viscount James Bryce, published in the year 1916, by H.M. Stationary Office, London and Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, London.2 ARNOLD J. TOYNBEE'S BLUE BOOKThis book will be studied in depth in another paper and is not the core subject of this paper.As a short brief to the researchers and academicians, it is clearly understood from the confessions of Toynbee that the was fabricated by himself on the encouragements of Viscount James Bryce to serve the interests of Great Britain in Middle East during World War I.Author Sukru Server Aya, in the page 7 of his book titled Preposterous Paradoxes of Ambassador Morgenthau, explaines the the reason of fabricating the Blue Book as below;Actually the Blue Book was hurriedly prepared to divert the attention of the USA and the neutral countries from the massacres that the Russians had undertaken in Poland on the Jews!. When the war started Germans made the first attack in Russian territory and when they witnessed the Russian massacres on the Jews, they asked reporters from USA to come and see with their own eyes!. Britain of course did not want their ally Russia to appear as barbarous, and they immediately shifted the massacre stories from Jews to Turks who were already reputed for their criminality! The trick worked; the Russian massacres were quickly forgotten and replaced by Turkish ones on Armenians in the front pages of newspapers!.Arnold Toynbee confessed in a later work that the was a piece of war propaganda (Toynbee, 1992).He co edited the Blue Book (Bryce, 1916) and later, after decades wroteIn the redistribution of Near and Middle Eastern Territories, the atrocities which have accompanied it from the beginning have been revealed in their true light, as crimes incidental to an abnormal process, which all parties have committed in turn, and not as the peculiar practice of one denomination or nationality.(Toynbee, 1922)Toynbee, on his final statement on the matter, stated as: Armenian political aspirations had not been legitimate. …

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