
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling pathways are frequently involved in generating cell fate diversity in a number of organisms. During anterior-posterior and dorso-ventral polarity in the Drosophila egg chamber and eggshell, EGFR signaling leads to a number of determinative events in the follicle cell layer. A high level of Gurken signal leads to the expression of argos in dorsal midline cells. Lateral follicle cells, receiving a lower level of Gurken signal, can continue to express the Broad-Complex (BR-C) and differentiate into cells which produce chorionic appendages. Misexpression of argos in mid-oogenesis causes the midline cells to retain expression of BR-C, resulting in a single fused large appendage. Evidence that argos can directly repress Gurken-induced EGFR signaling is seen when premature expression of argos is induced earlier in oogenesis. It represses the Gurken signal at stage 5-6 of oogenesis which determines posterior follicle cells and occasionally leads to eggs with anteriors at both ends. We propose that the Gurken signal at stage 9 of oogenesis induces follicle cells to take on two fates, dorsal midline and lateral, each producing different parts of the eggshell and that argos is one of the key downstream genes required to select between these two fates.

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