
Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are going to play a major role in forensic genomics in the next few years. A new NGS platform, the MiSeq FGx™ Forensic Genomics System (Illumina Inc., San Diego) was launched in January 2015 as the first fully validated sequencing system specifically designed for forensic genomics applications. This new system allows simultaneous, high resolution sequencing of 152 identity informative markers (including 27 autosomal STRs, 7 X-chromosomal, 24 Y-chromosomal haplotype markers and 94 SNPs) plus 56 ancestry and 22 phenotypic informative SNPs.In order to assess the flexibility of MiSeq FGx™ Forensic Genomics System for STR genotyping, a concordance study on samples previously typed using the ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer with GeneMapper ID-X v1.2 software was performed. Results were compared for 22 autosomal and 27 gonosomal STRs previously analysed and subsequently sequenced using the Forenseq DNA Signature Prep kit and analyzed with the Forenseq Universal Analysis software. Here we present the results of a preliminary study within our laboratory and discuss the likely expectation that the MiSeq FGx™ Sequencing System technology could provide more powerful analytical tools for the forensic genomics field.

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