
Problems both old and new are featured in this year's selection of rheumatologic aspects of miscellaneous diseases. Paralysis of one or more limbs can lead to many musculoskeletal complications, and the approach of Auguste Dejerine-Klumpke in 1918 can be compared with that of the present-day physician. The reappearance of rheumatic fever continues to excite interest. The specificity of the modified Jones criteria has been questioned, as have the benefits of long-term antibiotic prophylaxis following an attack of the disease. Meanwhile, metabolic disorders may be the first diseases to come under novel scrutiny using the techniques of genetic engineering, with outstanding possibilities for advancing both understanding and treatment. Dermatologic diseases other than psoriasis may be associated with arthropathy. Many of these symptom complexes may be variants of the recently described SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis) syndrome.

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