
The 4-pentenoyl group and a number of derivatives have been studied as protecting groups for N(alpha) of the aminoacyl moiety in misacylated tRNAs. The unsubstituted 4-pentenoyl group itself was found to function as efficiently as any of the derivatives studied. Four different N-(4-pentenoyl)aminoacyl-tRNA(CUA)s were prepared and shown to undergo deprotection readily upon admixture of aqueous iodine; the derived misacylated tRNAs all functioned well as suppressors of a nonsense codon in an in vitro protein biosynthesizing system. Also prepared were four N(alpha)-(4-pentenoyl)aspartyl-tRNA(CUA)s that were protected on the side chain carboxylate as the nitroveratryl ester. Following treatment with aqueous iodine, the misacylated suppressor tRNAs incorporated the aspartate derivatives into position 27 of dihydrofolate reductase by suppression of a UAG codon in the mRNA. The suppression yields were significantly better than those obtained when side chain protection was absent. The resulting "caged proteins" were inactive, but full catalytic potential was restored by irradiation under conditions sufficient to effect deprotection of the side chain carboxylate moiety.

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