
This contribution presents an application of the conceptual model of 'aggradational succession' (i.e., the sedimentary record deposited in response to sea-level rise during the glacial terminations) to a series of geological sections of the Paleo-Tiber delta cropping out along the Via Aurelia near Rome, Italy. The geochronological constraints provided here through 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic layers intercalated within the sedimentary deposits of the MIS 13 and MIS 11 aggradational successions resulted in some remarkable outcomes:1) we reconstruct an independent chronology of the Mediterranean sea-level oscillations 450 through 380 ka, in good agreement with the δ18O and the Red Sea relative sea level curve chronology;2) the Glacial Termination V is here bracketed in the interval 423.1 ± 4.4–438.7 ± 1.2 ka;3) we show that the aggradational successions of MIS 11 and MIS 13 display similar spatial/geometric features despite the significantly different amplitude of their Oxygen isotope records, challenging the regression models linking absolute values of benthic foraminifera δ18O and ice-volume;4) we show the relevance of a climatic-stratigraphic approach in dating coastal-to-fluvial sedimentary contexts;5) we provide indirect age constraints with the precision of a few ka for two important palaeoanthropological and archaeological sites in central Italy bearing Acheulean lithic industries and human remains.

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