
We suggest an interpretation of mirror symmetry for toric varieties via an equivalence of two conformal field theories. The first theory is the twisted sigma model of a toric variety in the infinite volume limit (the A-model). The second theory is an intermediate model, which we call the I-model. The equivalence between the A-model and the I-model is achieved by realizing the former as a deformation of a linear sigma model with a complex torus as the target and then applying to it a version of the T-duality. On the other hand, the I-model is closely related to the twisted Landau-Ginzburg model (the B-model) that is mirror dual to the A-model. Thus, the mirror symmetry is realized in two steps, via the I-model. In particular, we obtain a natural interpretation of the superpotential of the Landau-Ginzburg model as the sum of terms corresponding to the components of a divisor in the toric variety. We also relate the cohomology of the supercharges of the I-model to the chiral de Rham complex and the quantum cohomology of the underlying toric variety.

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