
Protein interaction databases represent unique tools to store, in a computer readable form, the protein interaction information disseminated in the scientific literature. Well organized and easily accessible databases permit the easy retrieval and analysis of large interaction data sets. Here we present MINT, a database ( http://cbm.bio.uniroma2.it/mint/index.html) designed to store data on functional interactions between proteins. Beyond cataloguing binary complexes, MINT was conceived to store other types of functional interactions, including enzymatic modifications of one of the partners. Release 1.0 of MINT focuses on experimentally verified protein–protein interactions. Both direct and indirect relationships are considered. Furthermore, MINT aims at being exhaustive in the description of the interaction and, whenever available, information about kinetic and binding constants and about the domains participating in the interaction is included in the entry. MINT consists of entries extracted from the scientific literature by expert curators assisted by ‘MINT Assistant’, a software that targets abstracts containing interaction information and presents them to the curator in a user-friendly format. The interaction data can be easily extracted and viewed graphically through ‘MINT Viewer’. Presently MINT contains 4568 interactions, 782 of which are indirect or genetic interactions.

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