
The latest Albian sediments deposited in the Vocontian basin in south-eastern France record the oceanic anoxic event (OAE) 1d, locally named the Breistroffer interval. They are represented by argillaceous marls and marls, containing organic matter (total organic carbon varying from 0.8 to 1%). Changes in calcareous nannofossil abundance and assemblage composition as well as macrofauna abundance, ichnofossil assemblage, and bioturbation intensity were analysed in order to evaluate the main palaeoenvironmental factors controlling the deposition of the OAE 1d sediments in this area. The pelagic carbonate production is limited and the carbonate fraction is predominantly of nektonic/benthic, and of allochthonous origin from carbonate platforms. The enrichment in organic carbon within the Breistroffer interval is weak and not associated with high surface-water productivity. The organic matter is mainly terrigenous. Its record is due to (1) a good preservation under dysoxic conditions within the sediments, and (2) a weak input of allochthonous carbonates. Eustatic fluctuations strongly influenced the variations of nannofossil and macrofauna abundances. Distinctive patterns in nannofossil assemblages and macrofauna abundances within the Breistroffer interval are also recognized, reflecting changes from mesotrophic to more oligotrophic conditions which are probably controlled by climate.

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