
THE relatianship between the prelegue and the whele wark has not yet been satisfacterily examined in the case of many Middle High German epics. Semetimes it appears as if particular weight is attributed to' the prelegue, merely because it occupies an eminent pesitien at the beginning af the work. The peets have a tendency to' put general statements, details ef their persanal lives and epiniens and mare ar less distinct cammentaries in the beginning of their werks. This gives schalars cause to' seek enlightenment as to' the meaning af the whale werk in a study af the prelegue. The pralague ef Hartmann's 'Gregerius' far example is fer .Gabriele Schieb 'in a particular sense the key to' an understanding af the whele wark'.! Helmut de Bear helds the view that the meaning ef Gattfried's 'Tristan' can be abtained 'frem an exact analysis af prelegue and digressiens.'2 It is almest taken for granted that the pralogue and the whole work enlighten each other and that it is anly the fault ef the reader if he is net able to' trace the close, canscious and sometimes purpasely concealed relations between the twa. A mare sceptical attitude towards these alleged relatians may be blamed far deregating the genius of such great poets as Gettfried er Welfram. Referring to' the prelegue ef 'Parzival', W. J. Schroder censiders it 'very imprebable that the mest impertant and mest prefeund peet af the entire German Middle Ages merely gives general epiniens in a nen-cemmittal form at this eminent position ef his greatest work.'3 The question arises whether there is nat a certain ameunt ef truth in the epinien rejected by Schroder. The purpese af this article is net to' take a stand in the cantreversy abeut 'Parzival', but it is intended to' threw some light en the general preblem eutlined by examining the nature ef Minne in the first ten lines af the prelegue ef Hartmann's 'Klage'.'

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