
MiniPINS is an ESA study led by the Finnish Meteorological Institute to develop and prototype miniaturised surface sensor packages (SSPs) for Mars and the Moon. The study aims at miniaturising the scientific sensors and subsystems, as well as identifying and utilizing commonalities of the packages, allowing to optimise the design, cut costs and reduce the development time. MiniPINS mission passed its Mission Definition Review in 2020, and Preliminary Requirements Review in 2021. The mission is currently in phase B1.  Mars SSP “MINS” is a penetrator with approx. 25 kg mass, piggy-backed by another Mars mission spacecraft to Mars and deployed either from the approach orbit or Mars orbit.  The design of MINS has significant heritage from FMI’s MetNet mission design [1]. 4 penetrators are planned to be released to different landing sites on Mars. The Entry, Descent and Landing sequence of MINS is completely autonomous and controlled by its on-board computer. In the Martian atmosphere the penetrators undergo aerodynamic braking with inflatable breaking units (IBUs) until they reach the target velocity of 60-80 m/s for entering the Martian surface. The penetration depth target is up to 0.5 m, depending on the hardness of the soil.         The geometry of MINS penetrator includes a thin section to improve penetrability to the soil, a medium section with 150 mm diameter to accommodate a 2U CubeSat structure inside, and a top section with a wider diameter to stop the penetration and avoid the top part to be buried inside the soil. The deployable boom is accommodated in the top section, together with some surface sensors. The subsystems of MINS are developed using two approaches: COTS with flight heritage and delta-qualification (mainly CubeSat systems) and in-house development. MINS has an ambitious science program to study for example the Martian atmosphere, seismology, magnetic field and chemistry. Scientific measurements will be performed above, at and below the Martian surface. MINS nominal mission will last for 1 Martian year (2 Earth years) with another Martian year as an option. Lunar SSP “LINS” is a miniature 7 kg station deployed on the Moon surface by a rover. The baseline carrier mission for LINS is European Large Logistics Lander (EL3). 4 LINS packages are deployed to different sites within the rover’s traveling perimeter by the rover’s robotic arm. Once placed, LINS will perform scientific measurements for a minimum of 2 years (nominal mission). LINS thermal design enables its survival during 14-day long Lunar nights when the temperature drops down to -170°C. LINS consists of a double structure, with external separated from the internal by PEEK blocks. The bottom of LINS can be completely in contact with the lunar regolith, since it is isolated from the internal one, and the space between can accommodate additional thermal insulation. Additional heating power is provided by 3W RHU of European design.   LINS will characterize the local environment with context images, thermal sensors, magnetometer, seismometer and ionizing radiation sensor. Other scientific payload options were also studied, but they were left as optional choices due to mass and energy limitations of LINS. The subsystems of LINS have much synergy with MINS with many based on CubeSat systems.    [1] Harri et al. (2017), The MetNet vehicle: a lander to deploy environmental stations for local and global investigations on Mars, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 103-124   MiniPINS contract is carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency. 

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