
Online mining of frequent patterns from music data is one of the most important research issues of multimedia data mining. Most previous studies require the specification of a min_ support threshold and aim at mining a complete set of frequent patterns satisfying min_ support. However, in practice, it is difficult for users to provide an appropriate value of min_ support threshold. In this paper, we propose a new problem of multimedia data mining: online mining of top- k melody structures of length no less than min_ l, where k is the desired number of hot melody structures to be mined and min_ l is the minimal length of each melody structure. An efficient single-pass algorithm, called top- k-HMS (top- k Hot Melody Structures), is developed for mining such melody structures without min_ support. In the framework of top- k-HMS algorithm, a new summary data structure, called TKM-list (top- k melody list) is developed to maintain the essential information about the top- k hot melody structures from the current melody sequence streams. Experimental studies show that the proposed top- k-HMS algorithm is an efficient one-pass method for mining the set of top- k Hot Melody Structures over a continuous stream of melody sequences.

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