
This research aims to measure public sentiment related to sustainable agriculture on the Twitter social media platform. The research method involves the extraction and classification of tweet data using a Python Library called VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner). The research utilized tweet data posted in the past one year. The results showed fluctuations and decreases in the number of tweets discussing sustainable agriculture. The location with the most tweet activity around sustainable agriculture was Brussels, Belgium, with 642 tweets during the observation period. Word cloud analysis on keywords showed that in positive sentiments, words such as "food security" and "climate change" dominated the visualization. On the other hand, in negative sentiments, words such as "farmer" and "private farmland" appeared more frequently. Overall, the majority of tweets expressed a positive attitude towards sustainable agriculture, with 68.5% positive sentiment. A total of 22.3% of tweets showed neutral sentiments, with no strong positive or negative tendencies. Only 9.1% of tweets contained negative sentiment, indicating that a small proportion of tweets expressed less favorable views towards sustainable agriculture.

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