
The accuracy and precision of microseismic event locations were measured, analyzed, and compared for two types of location systems: “anolog” and “digital”. In the first system, relative times of first arrival were estimated from analog signals using automated hardware circuitry; station positions were estimated from mine map coordinates; and event locations were determined using the BLD (Blake, Leighton, and Duvall) direct solution method. In the second system, arrival times were manually measured during interactive displays of digital waveforms; station coordinates were surveyed; and the SW-GBM (Salamon and Wiebols; Godson, Bridges, and McKavanagh) direct basis function was used to solve for locations. Both systems assume constant isotropic seismic velocity of slightly different signals data sets, calibration blast signals with known source site and origin time, and microseismic event signals, were recorded by each location system employing the same array of high-frequency (5 kHz) accelerometers with 150 m maximum dimension. The calibration blast tests indicated a location precision of ±2 m and accuracy of ±10 m for the analog system. Location precision and accuracy for the digital system measured ±1 m and ±8 m, respectively. Numerical experiments were used to assess the contributions of errors in velocity, arrival times, and station positions on the location accuracy and precision for each system. Measured and estimated errors appropriate to each system for microseismic events were simulated in computing source locations for comparison with exact synthetic event locations. Discrepancy vectors between exact locations and locations calculated with known data errors averaged 7.7 and 1.4 m for the analog and digital systems, respectively. These averages are probably more representative of the location precision of microseismic events, since the calibration blast tests produce impulsive seismic arrivals resulting in smaller arrival-time pick errors in the analog system. For both systems, location accuracy is limited by inadequate modeling of the velocity structure. Consequently, when isotropic velocity models are used in the travel-time inversions, the increased effort expended with the digital location system does not, for the particular systems studied, result in increased accuracy.

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