
A necessary optimality condition for the problem of the minimum-resistance shape for a rigid three-dimensional inclusion displaced in an unbounded isotropic elastic medium subject to a constraint on the volume of the inclusion is obtained through Betti's reciprocal work theorem. It generalizes Pironneau's optimality condition for the minimum-drag shape for a rigid body immersed into a uniform Stokes flow and is specialized for axisymmetric inclusions in axisymmetric and transversal translations. In both cases of translation, the three-dimensional displacement field is represented in terms of generalized analytic functions, and the three-dimensional elastostatics problem is reduced to boundary-integral equations (BIEs) via the generalized Cauchy integral formula. Minimum-resistance shapes are found in the semi-analytical form of functional series from an iterative procedure coupling the optimality condition and the BIEs. They are compared with the minimum-resistance spheroids and with the minimum-resistance spindle-shaped and lens-shaped bodies. Remarkably, in the axisymmetric translation, the minimum-resistance shapes transition from spindle-like shapes to almost prolate spheroidal shapes as the Poisson ratio changes from 1/2 to 0, whereas in the transversal translation, they are close to oblate spheroidal shapes for any Poisson ratio.

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