
Measurements of minimum quench energy (MQE) of a new type Rutherford cable were carried out. This cable has low resistive paths located near each edge of cable's cross-section, enabling quick transfer of transport currents from one strand to other strands when a part of normal state appears locally in the strand. In addition, this cable has relatively longer strand twist pitches in relation to the cable twist pitches so as to decrease coupling losses in the cable under changing transverse magnetic fields with face-on orientation. In order to evaluate the effect of current transfer on cable stability, measured MQE were compared with numerically calculated values for a single strand. Measured MQE was greater than 18 times the calculated single strand value (18 strands in our cable). This indicates that current transfer between strands effects MQE of our cable. And our cable has almost the same MQE per unit volume as standard Rutherford cable without stainless steel cores. Thus we confirmed that our Rutherford cable has high stability.

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