
LetH=(T,U) be a connected graph,V⊇Ta set, andca non-negative function on the unordered pairs of elements ofV. In theminimum0-extension problem(*), one is asked to minimize the inner productcmover all metricsmonVsuch that (i)mcoincides with the distance function ofHwithinT; and (ii) eachv∈Vis at zero distance from somes∈T, i.e.m(v,s)=0. This problem is known to be NP-hard ifH=K3(as being equivalent to the minimum 3-terminal cut problem), while it is polynomially solvable ifH=K2(the minimum cut problem) orH=K2,r(the minimum (2,r)-metric problem). We study problem (*) for all fixedH. More precisely, we consider the linear programming relaxation (**) of (*) that is obtained by dropping condition (ii) above, and callHminimizableif the minima in (*) and (**) coincide for allVandc. Note that for such anHproblem (*) is solvable in strongly polynomial time. Our main theorem asserts thatHis minimizable if and only ifHis bipartite, has no isometric circuit with six or more nodes, and is orientable in the sense thatHcan be oriented so that nonadjacent edges of any 4-circuit are oppositely directed along this circuit. The proof is based on a combinatorial and topological study of tight and extreme extensions of graph metrics. Based on the idea of the proof of the NP-hardness for the minimum 3-terminal cut problem in [4], we then show that the minimum 0-extension problem is strongly NP-hard for many non-minimizable graphsH. Other results are also presented.

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