
This paper describes the development and testing of a gas sampling probe that quenches chemical reactions by using supersonic expansion and helium dilution. Gas sampling probes are required for accurate measurement of exhaust emissions species, which is critical to determine the performance of an aircraft engine. The probe was designed through rounds of computational modeling and laboratory testing and was subsequently manufactured and then tested at the University of Tennessee Space Institute behind a General Electric J85 turbojet engine at different power settings: idle, maximum military, and afterburning. The experimental test results demonstrated that the chemical quick-quench (CQQ) probe suppressed the oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) inside the probe system and preserved more CO at afterburning conditions. In addition, the CQQ probe prevented hydrocarbons from being partially oxidized to form CO at idle powers and measured higher hydrocarbons and lower CO emission compared with a conventional probe at that low power condition. The CQQ probe also suppressed nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to nitric oxide (NO) conversion through all engine power settings. These data strongly support the conclusion that the CQQ probe is able to quench unwanted chemical reactions inside the probe for all engine power levels.

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