
In this paper, we consider the optimal loop scheduling and minimum storage allocation problems based on argument-fetching dataflow architecture model. Under the argument-fetching model, the result generated by an actor is stored in a unique location which is addressable by its successors. The main contribution of this paper includes: for loops containing no loop carried dependencies, we prove that the problem of allocating minimum storage required to support rate-optimal loop scheduling can be solved in polynomial time. Since the instruction processing unit of an argument-fetching dataflow architecture is very much like a conventional processor architecture without a program counter, the solution of the optimal loop storage allocation problem for the former will also be useful for the latter.KeywordsConstraint MatrixLoop BodyRegister AllocationSoftware PipelineInteger Linear Programming ProblemThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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