
This study develops a global derivatives hedging methodology which takes into account the presence of transaction costs. It extends the Hodges and Neuberger [Rev. Futures Markets, 1989, 8, 222–239] framework in two ways. First, to reduce the occurrence of extreme losses, the expected utility is replaced by the conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) coherent risk measure as the objective function. Second, the normality assumption for the underlying asset returns is relaxed: general distributions are considered to improve the realism of the model and to be consistent with fat tails observed empirically. Dynamic programming is used to solve the hedging problem. The CVaR minimization objective is shown to be part of a time-consistent framework. Simulations with parameters estimated from the S&P 500 financial time series show the superiority of the proposed hedging method over multiple benchmarks from the literature in terms of tail risk reduction.

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