
A successful solution to the task of further increasing the efficiency of satellite communication systems largely depends on the quality of functioning of the systems and devices included in them. One of the directions for improving the efficiency of satellite telecommunications can be the development and improvement of phase synchronization systems in the direction of minimizing the phase error while maintaining high dynamics in stable and transient modes of operation. Mathematical dependencies are developed and presented in the work, which allow for the synthesis of open communication in the combined synchronization system of satellite telecommunications, which ensure the minimization of the root mean square error of the synchronization system under the condition of limiting the transient component of the phase error. The open communication scheme proposed in the work includes a link with a transfer function, the parameters of which make it possible to minimize the rms phase error under the condition of increasing the dynamics of the system in transient modes. The results of evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed method of minimizing the rms error of the combined synchronization system under the condition of limiting the transient component of the phase error showed that the value of the rms error for the combined synchronization system depends on the gain parameter of the open link link. The gain parameter can be effective in minimizing the phase error in the case of its positive values. The optimal value of the gain parameter in the presented open-loop synthesis model has an unambiguous relationship with the conditions for limiting the transient component of the phase error, and its deviation from the optimal values reduces the effect of the open-loop link when operating in transient modes.

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