
Abstract Integrated field management is a key initiative recognised by many operators that helps delivering the promise of digital to meet their business strategic objectives of increased hydrocarbon production, reduced exploration and appraisal costs, and sustained development and operation costs. This paper presents how an integrated asset model has been developed for the largest oilfield in Poland to enable a comprehensive validation of its current development plan and operating strategy to ensure safe operation; assessment of other feasible development scenarios to fully realise its potential and paving the path to digital oilfield. A proven integrated asset modeling approach has been adopted to bring a complex reservoir, multiple interdependent wells, pipelines networks, process models together into one single platform. The integrated modeling platform included both gas and water reinjection network models to provide a pore to process closed loop solution. Development of this integrated reservoir-wells-pipelines-network-process facility-water and gas reinjection network models focused to provide all the vital valuable inputs to better field management, fast and accurate decision-making, optimal safe operation in meeting the set seasonal sales contract. Assessments of production operation strategy and field development scenarios were conducted at full field level from reservoir to process plant, accounting wells, pipelines, process handling capacities, the complete system constraints and back pressure effects of all involved components. The availability of fully integrated asset model with pore to process solution enables engineers to better understand the current well performance and production potentials; to ensure a safe and optimal process plant operation. The model helped to identify bottlenecks imposed by the existing pipelines network and process facility; it also enabled the asset team to confirm the existing development plan was not optimal. Other feasible planning scenarios which could further enhance the overall asset productivity were identified, i.e. via determining location of infill wells and which unused idle producers to be converted to gas or water injectors. The study demonstrated a comprehensive validation of the existing development and operation strategy was achievable with the approach. The paper describes how the developed integrated asset model enables the asset team to validate the existing operating strategy and field development scenario of the studied onshore brownfield; to further enhance asset productivity and to achieve efficient field management by adjusting the operating condition in meeting the seasonal sales contract. The integrated asset model also helps to evaluate and to analyse forecasts of different development scenarios including infill drilling and adding new wells and other enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques to achieve an ultimate recovery and asset economics.

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