
Regarding transplant surgery, the minimally invasive revolution was started in 1995 by laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy (L-LDN). In 2006, we made the first report on a minimally invasive technique for kidney transplantation; restricted to a 7-9 cm transverse incision targeted on the anastomotic area of the iliac vessels, and with the meticulously prepared kidney placed in a fitting, retroperitoneal pouch lateral to the skin incision. By combining "hand-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy" and "minimally invasive kidney transplantation" - using the same incision (7-8 cm) for hand-assistance, kidney harvesting, and transplantation - we have during 2009 conducted "minimally invasive renal auto-transplantation" in two patients. In both cases, the postoperative course was uneventful. When examined 3 mo postoperatively, both auto-transplants were shown to have excellent function by renal scintigraphy. Renal auto-transplantation, a traditionally major surgical procedure, can be made minimally invasive by a similar incision as that used for L-LDN. Taking into regard the highly traumatic conventional incisions, we expect the generally proven minimally invasive benefits to be considerable.

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