
This review seeks to understand novel avenues for eosinophilic GI disease management. Biomarkers offer a unique and non-invasive approach to tracking EoE disease progression. While no biomarkers have definitively met the diagnostic criteria for eosinophilic GI diseases, some biomarkers have been shown to be associated with disease activity. Here, we examine the potential of recently studied biomarkers. Current research shows advancements in blood, luminal fluid, and breath testing. Particular areas of interest include mRNA analyses, protein fingerprinting, amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), T cells and IgE receptors, eosinophilic cationic proteins, cytokines, and nitric oxide exhalation. Preliminary results showed that mucosal biomarkers, directly captured from the esophagus, may reflect the best representation of biopsy-based results, in contrast to biomarkers obtained from indirect or peripheral (blood, breath) methods. However, this is based on limited clinical studies without sufficient numbers to evaluate true diagnostic accuracy. Large-scale randomized trials are needed to fully ascertain both the optimal sampling technique and the specific biomarkers that reflect diagnostic status of the disease.

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