
Multistate density functional theory (MSDFT) employing a minimum active space (MAS) is presented to determine charge transfer (CT) and local excited states of bimolecular complexes. MSDFT is a hybrid wave function theory (WFT) and density functional theory, in which dynamic correlation is first incorporated in individual determinant configurations using a Kohn–Sham exchange-correlation functional. Then, nonorthogonal configuration-state interaction is performed to treat static correlation. Because molecular orbitals are optimized separately for each determinant by including Kohn–Sham dynamic correlation, a minimal number of configurations in the active space, essential to representing low-lying excited and CT states of interest, is sufficient to yield the adiabatic states. We found that the present MAS-MSDFT method provides a good description of covalent and CT excited states in comparison with experiments and high-level computational results. Because of the simplicity and interpretive capability through diabatic configuration weights, the method may be useful in dynamic simulations of CT and nonadiabatic processes.


  • Charge transfer (CT) states are electronically excited states which are of fundamental importance in materials and chemical processes, including those in photosynthesis, photoreceptor proteins, catalysis, and photovoltaic devices

  • (1) CT resonance states Recently, we investigated the significance of CT stabilization of where EIMS1⁄2ρIŠ is the energy of adiabatic state I, HA1⁄2ρAŠ is the Kohn–Sham DFT energy for block-localized determinant A in the active space, corresponding to a diagonal matrix element of the nonorthogonal state interaction (NOSI) Hamiltonian, HATDBF1⁄2ρAB; ΨA; ΨBŠ is a transition density functional (TDF) of the off-diagonal matrix element, defining electronic coupling between states A and B, and the coefficients {c} are obtained by solving the generalized secular equation HC = SCE

  • State to reproduce the energy of a contracted state of the full configuration interaction (FCI) wave function through singular value decomposition (SVD)[27]

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Charge transfer (CT) states are electronically excited states which are of fundamental importance in materials and chemical processes, including those in photosynthesis, photoreceptor proteins, catalysis, and photovoltaic devices. High-level quantum-chemical methods can be used; in practice, it is often difficult to find an approach that can satisfy both requirements simultaneously. Most computational models for excited states are based on multiconfiguration self-consistent-field (MCSCF) approaches such as the complete-active-space self-consistent-field (CASSCF) method. Even at the simplest level of single-excitation configuration interaction (CIS) and linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), which is known to perform poorly on CT states, the large number of configurations included in these calculations makes the interpretation of CT states difficult[2,3,4,5]. We present an approach that employs a minimal active space (MAS) in multistate density functional theory (MSDFT) to treat CT states as well as local valence excitations on a range of bimolecular complexes. The present method provides a straightforward interpretation of results

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