
We investigate the phenomenology of minimal four-family MSSM supergravity theories containing an additional generation of heavy fermions along with their superpartners. We demand: gauge coupling constant unification at high energy scales; perturbative values for all Yukawa couplings for energy scales $\leq \mgut$; radiative electroweak symmetry breaking via renormalization group evolution; and a neutral LSP. The perturbative constraints imply a light fourth-family quark and lepton spectrum, and $\tanb\lsim 3$. The lightest CP-even Higgs mass is increased. Fourth-family Yukawa coupling contributions to the evolution of scalar masses lead to unexpected mass hierarchies; \eg\ the $\staupone$ is generally the lightest slepton and the lightest squark is the $\wt\bpr_1$. A significant lower bound is placed on the gluino mass by the requirement that the $\staupone$ not be the LSP. Sleptons of the first two families are much more massive compared to the LSP and other neutralinos and charginos than in the three-family models, and could easily lie beyond the reach of a $\sqrt s=500\gev$ $\epem$ collider. Relations between slepton masses and gaugino masses are shown to be very sensitive to the presence of a fourth generation. The most important near-future experimental probes of the four-family models are reviewed. A scenario with $\mt\sim\mw$ and $t\rta {\wt t_1}\cnone$ is shown to be inconsistent with universal soft-SUSY-breaking boundary conditions. Full four-family evolution of $\alpha_s$ is shown to lead to a significant enhancement in inclusive jet and di-jet spectra at Tevatron energies when all sparticle masses are near their lower bounds.

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