
Hybridisation is the interbreeding of genetically distinct groups that can lead to introgression – an exchange of genetic material between species. Hybridisation is of conservation concern when an alien invasive species is involved, as it can lead to a loss of local genetic adaptations and genetic diversity. Hybridisation is a significant threat for many dabbling ducks where interbreeding with the closely related invasive Mallard Anas platyrhynchos is extremely common. Phenotypic evidence suggests that Mallard populations in South Africa hybridise with the indigenous Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of hybridisation between Yellow-billed Ducks, occurring in central and northwestern South Africa, and introduced Mallards. Genetic variation between Mallards, Yellow-billed Ducks, and their inferred hybrids was assessed using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA markers. All samples inferred to be hybrids based on the phenotype were found to have Yellowbilled Duck mitochondrial DNA and showed minimal evidence of admixture across the microsatellite markers. Thus, these results do not support the notion that hybridisation between Mallards and Yellow-billed Ducks is prevalent in central and northwestern South Africa. However, hybridisation could be occurring where Mallards are found in higher abundance, such as in the Western Cape Province. Therefore, continued monitoring of this potential hybridisation should be performed frequently and throughout South Africa.

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