
Iron-rich precipitates from acid mine drainage (AMD) sites around the Jaintia Hills coalfield, India, were investigated. The ochreous precipitates mainly consist of schwertmannite, goethite, and jarosite. Sorption affinities suggest that Ni, Mn, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Zn are more significant in schwertmannite-bearing ochre than in more crystalline jarosite- and goethite-bearing ochres. The lower crystallinity and higher surface area of schwertmannite-bearing ochreous precipitate result in higher metal retention potential. Fe and Mn concentrations in water may also influence the sorption of metals in the precipitates. The results of the sequential extractions showed that metal mobility is mainly controlled by Fe and Mn oxyhydroxide phases. This information may aid understanding of the natural attenuation of trace metals by ochreous precipitates in AMD-contaminated water.

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