
The In Allarene mafic-ultramafic complex is located at the southern part of the In Ouzzal terrane and was known as the unique Pan-African mafic-ultramafic intrusion in this terrane. The complex shows a ring-shaped intrusion of about 20 km2 and concentric structures. Petrological observations and mineralogical analyses show that the core of the intrusion is composed of harzburgites and dunites surrounded by lherzolites, whereas the outer part consists of fine- to coarse-grained gabbros that are crosscut by dolerite dykes. The mineralogy and geochemistry of these rocks show that they are mainly cumulates, but some gabbros and dolerites have characteristics indicating that they correspond to magmatic liquids or they have trapped a variable amount of magmatic liquid. They correspond to the least magnesian and the most alkaline-rich gabbros and dolerites. The geochemistry of the gabbros and dolerites is very similar to the mafic-ultramafic complexes linked to arc zones and they exhibit all the features of the subduction zones magmatism as showing in the N-MORB normalization, with LILE enrichment relatively to HFSE, and Nb-Ta and Ti negative anomalies. The chemical compositions of clinopyroxene and spinel support this hypothesis. This is also the case for all geodynamic setting discrimination diagrams, both those using major elements and trace elements. Several of these diagrams also show that the studied rocks can be distinguished from intracontinental plate tholeiites, which can be very close geochemically to continental arc tholeiites. These results support the hypothesis of the existence of an arc-type metasomatized mantle under the In Ouzzal terrane during Pan-African orogeny.

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