
Dimensional stones are known since the ancient world as noble mineral resources and have been used for the construction of magnificent pieces of art and architecture that were built to endure. Some examples are the Pyramids in Egypt or the Aphrodite of Milo in Greece. They maintain until today their position as a preferred building material because of their strength, varied color and décor and stability against environmental factors In Uruguay diverse varieties of dimensional stone are mined, commercialized and applied. High quality dolerites (commercially known as black granite) represent the most relevant variety, and therefore, were intensively studied in this research. The most important varieties of gray and colored commercial granites (lithologically granitoids and syenitoids) were also included in this research. The dolomitic slates have been also studied, since they represent a traditional natural stone in Uruguay. The main uses of the different types of dimensional stone of Uruguay are as façade cladding, countertops and outdoor and indoor floor slabs. Dolerites can also be used for special applications due to their excellent petrophysical properties, as for example precision tables and load-transferring masts. The lack of sufficient scientific studies in these important mineral resources led to the development of the present research. The main focus was in the petrographic, petrophysic and deposit characterization, and in the analysis of the economic aspects related to the dimensional stones of Uruguay.

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