
We studied rodingite and rodingite-like rocks within a serpentinized ultramafic sequence and ophiolitic mélange at Um Rashid, in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. The Um Rashid ophiolite is strongly deformed, metamorphosed, and altered by serpentinization, carbonatization, listvenitization, rodingitization and silicification. The textures, whole-rock chemistry, and composition of fresh primary mineral relics show that the serpentinite protoliths were strongly melt-depleted harzburgite and minor dunite, typical of a supra-subduction zone fore-arc setting. The light-colored rocks replacing gabbro are divided on the basis of field relations, mineral assemblages and geochemical characteristics into typical rodingite and rodingite-like rock. Typical rodingite, found as blocks with chloritite blackwall rims within ophiolitic mélange, contains garnet, vesuvianite, diopside and chlorite with minor prehnite and opaque minerals. Rodingite-like rock, found as dykes in serpentinite, consists of hercynite, preiswerkite, margarite, corundum, prehnite, ferropargasite, albite, andesine, clinozoisite and diaspore. Some rodingite-like rock samples preserve relict gabbroic minerals and texture, whereas typical rodingite is fully replaced. Rodingite is highly enriched in CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, and compatible trace elements, whereas rodingite-like rock is strongly enriched in Al2O3 and incompatible trace elements. Based on geochemistry and petrographic evidence, both types of rodingitic rocks likely developed from mafic protoliths in immediate proximity to serpentinite but were affected by interaction with different fluids, most likely at different times. Typical rodingite development likely accompanied serpentinization and shows mineral assemblages characteristic of low-Si, high-Ca fluid infiltration at about 300 °C. Rodingite-like rock, on the other hand, likely developed from seawater infiltration.

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