
The abnormal secretion of the adrenalsteroid 18-OH DOC is currently suspected of beingimplicated in some cases of human essential hypertension,and in genetic hypertension in saltsensitiverats. In such rats, the secretion rates ofaldosterone and desoxycorticosterone are similar tothose in the salt-resistant strain. From the studiesreported in this paper the additional differencesbetween the two strains necessary to allow developmentof hypertension are not differences inmineralocorticoid effector mechanisms. Both sensitiveand resistant rats have similar concentrations(∼ 3 × 10−14 moles/mg protein) of renal cytoplasmicmineralocorticoid receptors, which in both specieshave a similar affinity for aldosterone (Kdiss 37C ∼ 10−9M). By competition experiments, it hasbeen shown in both strains that 18-OH DOC has anaffinity for the mineralocorticoid receptor ∼ 1.5%that of aldosterone. Finally, no differences can bedemonstrated between the strains in terms of thetransfer of receptor-steroid complex from cytoplasmto n...

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