
AbstractThis article presents the results of studies of carbonate rock samples that came from all members of the Górażdże Beds (Lower Muschelkalk – Middle Triassic), taken from the area of the Opole Silesia. Researches allowed the types of mineral phases which built the analyzed rocks to be determined. The limestone samples were collected in the Ligota Dolna Quarry, Strzelce Opolskie Quarry, Wysoka Quarry and the area of Saint Anne Mountain. Thirteen samples were taken from the Ligota Dolna Deposit, 4 samples – in the Strzelce Opolskie Quarry and 5 samples – in the area of St. Anne Mountain. Selected rock samples were examined using a microscope with polarized, transmitted light, FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and microprobe measurements E PMA.The results of the study show that the limestone of the Górażdże Beds from the area of Opole Silesia do not exhibit diversified types according to the Ca and Mg content of. They are characterized by the Ca and Mg high purity of geochemical composition, as well as the domination of the low magnesium calcite. There are lower contents of carbonate phases rich in magnesium – high magnesium calcite (high-Mg calcite, which is also known as magnesio-calcite) and dolomite. The majority of the data was obtained through the results of the FTIR spectroscopy and microprobe measurements. Some information gave the results of microscopic analysis. The results of X-ray diffraction indicate the occurrence only low magnesium calcite in the studied samples. Dolomite was identified in some samples of Górażdże Beds and high magnesium calcite – in sample of the Wysoka Micrite Member. Smaller amounts of non-carbonate phases occurred in the analyzed rocks. Quartz, chalcedony, feldspars, micas and clay minerals were identified among the non-carbonate phases.The small diversification of the geochemical composition of the Górażdże limestones could be connected with their sedimentation environment conditions. These rocks represent the type of barrier sediments, which were formed during the sea transgression.

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