
AbstractThis study was conducted in central Brazil on a sandy loam soil which under normal conditions receives no fertilizer. The K, P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Fe, and Zn contents were determined on six grasses: Meilinis minutiflora Beauv., Digitaria decumbens Stent., Pennisetum purpureum Schum., Pennistetum clandestinum Hochst., Cynodon dactylon Pers., and Panicum maximum Jacq. var. ‘Gondlyodes Doell’Significant decreases in K, P, Mg, Cu and Fe in the forages (P < .01) occurred with advance in plant age from 4 to 36 weeks. The average K content for all grasses at 4 weeks of age was 1.42% and at 36 weeks of age 0.30%. Kikuyugrass had the highest K content at 36 weeks of age (0.54%). The average P content for all grasses was 0.26% at 4 weeks and 0.12% at 36 weeks. Pangolagrass appeared to be a poor source of P at all ages studied (average 0.12%).Nitrogen fertilizer had no effect on any of the minerals studied except for Mn which increased with N fertilization.Under the conditions of the experiment, the forages could be deficient in K and P for cattle and borderline in zinc.

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