
Eastern Dharwar craton (EDC) is a major uranium province in India hosting number of unconformity related, vein-type and carbonate hosted strata-bound uranium deposits. Gogi uranium deposit (GUD) is a structurally controlled hydrothermal ore deposit (~1.35 Ga), hosted in a reverse fault zone between the foot-wall Mesoproterozoic Bhima Group carbonates and the hanging wall basement granites (~2.5 Ga) of the EDC. The hanging wall granites, locally known as Shahapur granite show extensive chloritisation and epidotisation, and constitute the propylitic outer zone of the main hydrothermal system of the GUD. We conducted systematic mineralogical and geochemical studies on hydrothermally altered assemblages to understand physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal fluid. Quartz, epidote, chlorite, titanite, fluorite and hematite are the main hydrothermal mineral phases. Chlorites occur in two different forms, as pseudomorphic replacement of hornblende and as vein/cavity fillings. Epidotes occur as coarse prismatic grains in the main veins, or as replacement of albite in the wall rock. Mineralogical, textural data and geochemical mass balance calculation indicate that about 17.9% of total albites (Modal abundance = ~48%) and all the hornblendes (modal abundance = ~7.5%) of the parent rock were broken down and reacted to form quartz, chlorite, epidote, secondary titanite and hematite. The hydrothermal reaction resulted in creation of 13 vol% secondary porosity in the host rock and acidification of the evolved fluid. Thermodynamic calculation on chlorite compositions indicates ~ 250 °C temperature of formation and oxidising nature of ambient fluid, with log fO2 ranging between −37 and −31 (avg. −35). Available fluid inclusion data, in conjunction with chlorite geothermometric results, show fluid entrapment pressure between 625 bar and 792 bar, which is consistent with emplacement of hydrothermal fluid in low-pressure brittle deformation zone. We surmise that U6+ was liberated from basement granite by reaction with oxidised acidic fluid, transported as chloride, carbonate complexes and precipitated in high permeability fault-zone, possibly because of mixing with reduced- basin derived fluids.

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