
A suite of post-kinematic, 1.88–1.87 Ga, silicic plutons crosscut 1.89–1.88 Ga synkinematic granitoids in the Central Finland Granitoid Complex (CFGC) in south-central Finland. The plutons range from biotite±hornblende quartz monzonite to syenogranite and include pyroxene- and olivine-bearing varieties. Mineral chemical data on feldspars, biotite, amphibole, pyroxenes, olivine, and oxides of the post-kinematic plutons are presented. The data are interpreted to show that these plutons register (1) a considerable range in pressure from 2–4 kbar (amphibole barometry) to 5–7 kbar (olivine–pyroxene barometry), (2) temperatures mostly reflecting resetting during cooling (450–800°C; QUIlF thermometry), and (3) low fO 2 (log fO 2 ΔFMQ −0.3 to −1.5; QUIlF equilibria). In particular, plutons with olivine- and pyroxene-bearing margins and amphibole-dominated central parts record progressive oxidation and hydration upon cooling, shifting from the QUIlF equilibrium toward KUIlB. The post-kinematic granites can be considered post-collisional in regard to compressional events in the CFGC and display many of the characteristics of the anorogenic 1.6 Ga rapakivi granites further south. They were presumably derived from a deep and dry crustal source, like the rapakivi granites.

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