
PT. Gag Nikel is one of the companies engaged in the nickel mining industry that is allowed to conducted open-pit mining system within protected forest area in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province. The problem raised in this study is how wide the catchment area, the dimensions of the settling ponds, the dimensions of the drainage that exist on the mine road. The study gave results of 0.44 km2 rain catchment area, 278.983 m3/57.28 seconds water discharge in settling pond 1, 262.2 m3/53.83 seconds water discharge in settling pond 2, 436,608 m3/89.65 seconds water discharge in settling pond 3 out of total 629,177 m3/2.01 minutes (120.06 seconds), and the dimensions of the drainage at the mine road is ideal due to it accommodates planned discharge.

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