
The management of Common Mental Disorders (CMDs) in the Indian context is a complex issue and India has constrained mental health services infrastructure in District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) setting. Mental health interventions should be specific and feasible and relevant in the Indian population. DMHP is an important tier and bridged the gap between the tertiary care centres and the primary health care centres. Mindfulness-based interventions are effective in the management of common mental disorders in the community setting. Mindfulness based Cognitive therapy would reduce depressive relapse in patients. Mindfulness skills improves effective self-regulation of anxiety related cognition, emotion, sensation and behaviour. In DMHP training framework of mindfulness skills based sub-modules, mindfulness-based stress reduction, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) modules could be incorporated. This framework targets relationship to thoughts and feelings (both physical and emotional) via decentring. This framework which is a practical, feasible strategy in the management of CMDs in DMHP setting of various states in India. Developing a need-based mindfulness-based interventions framework would be instru-mental in guiding the planning and prioritization of mental health care in India in 21st century

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